in short, this is where my bookmarks go to die. i hope someone finds some of this useful.
favorite wikipedia pages
- r/datahoarder. my ocd loves the idea of this subreddit. what do you mean DELETE?????????
- r/benignexistence.
- r/musicrecommendations. sincerely a relatively nice (for reddit) place to look for new music.
buttons, blinkies, and other web graphics.
- gifcities
- windows 98 icons archive
- customizable blinkies.
- blinkie collection
- another blinkie collection
- third blinkie collection
- button collection
- even more buttons
- stamp collection
other webmastery resources
- i learned everything i know about html and css from this website.
- sadgrl online pretty extensive list of webmastery resources, including tiled backgrounds.
- moon phases widget. me personally, i'm not into astrology, but if you are, this might be nice.
- GIFYPET. no website is complete without a gifypet! mine's a macintosh 128k named makenzie. go say hi to her on my homepage, btw.
- backgrounds archive not great for everything, but has some pretty good tiled backgrounds.
art resources
writing resources
poetry resources
- every noise!
- Neat Music Stuff doc (compiled by charlott2n on tumblr.)
- mountain goats wiki extremely impressive although i dont know what use you would have for it
- radiohead pictures archive im sure someone can use this
- radio garden listen to radio from anywhere in the world
- hate symbols search EXTREMELY useful for when youre just not quite sure if thats a hate symbol or you're just being paranoid.
- haven't you ever wanted to be dropped in literally the middle of the ocean?
- prelinger archives extensive collection of archival footage
- the otherness archive
- thousands of FREE vintage scientific drawings for download